What’s the Future of Work?


Exploring the Economic Shift Led by Software and Connectedness

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What is the future when more and more work can be done by intelligent machines instead of people, or only done by people in partnership with those machines? What happens to workers, and what happens to the companies that depend on their purchasing power? What’s the future of business when technology-enabled networks and marketplaces are better at deploying talent than traditional companies? What’s the future of education when on-demand learning outperforms traditional universities in keeping skills up to date?

In this free collection of recent blog posts, Tim O’Reilly begins a focused, high-level conversation about the deep ways in which computers and their ilk are transforming how we do business, how we work, and how we live. Just about everyone’s asking WTF? («What the F***?» but also, more charitably, «What’s the future?»)


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