The State of Microservices Maturity


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When microservices first appeared, companies had doubts about the operational complexity and engineering maturity required to achieve success. Today the tide is turning. Many organizations are now seeing real benefits with microservices, while others have yet to make a breakthrough despite concerted efforts.

In July 2018, leaders of the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference conducted a survey on microservices maturity to assess just how far organizations have come with this technology, including the practices they follow and the challenges they face along the way.

The responses we received are summarized in this report. Respondents revealed:

    • What percentage of their company’s new development includes microservices
    • How many use a deployment pipeline for automated testing; how many utilize continuous deployment
    • What percentage of their services rely on automated machine provisioning
    • How many respondents use containers; how many use Kubernetes
    • How companies are integrating microservices with legacy applications
    • The degree of success organizations have had with microservices so far


Get this report today and find out how your organization ranks among hundreds of other companies attempting to build a working microservices architecture.


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