Best of TOC


Analysis and Ideas About the Future of Publishing

Категория: Метки: ,


2012 was quite a year for change in the publishing industry.Throughout the year we used the TOC community site ( provide insightful analysis of the latest industry developments.And since ours is a community site, the articles we publish aren’tjust from the TOC team; we also feature perspectives from many of thetop innovators and publishing experts.

It wasn’t easy, but we hand-picked the most noteworthy articles from2012 for inclusion in this Best of TOC collection. We think you’llagree that the more than 60 pieces featured here represent some of themost thought-provoking dialog from the past year. We’ve arranged thearticles by category, so whether you’re most interested in marketing,revenue models, production or innovation in general you’ll findsomething to get your creative juices flowing.


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