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Smart Energy

The power industry is undergoing an significant transformation toward smart energy. Internet-connected smart devices to regulate and save energy are certainly part of the picture, but as this comprehensive O’Reilly report explains, the key piece is the emergence of reliable energy-storage solutions. Today, people can outfit their homes, factories, and offices with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries from Tesla and other companies to store energy from any power source.

Author Darren Beck describes how energy storage changes the game for renewable energy, which up until now has been a niche player because of its intermittent supply. Homeowners and businesses will be able to produce their own clean energy and share it on the grid. It’s the beginning, Beck says, of decentralized energy production that can not only reduce the use of fossil fuels—drastically—but also set up a vast network of distributed storage. And it’s coming sooner rather than later.

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